Send Message

Licensing Broker/Entity Applications

Prior to submitting any Broker applications, go to the Licensing FAQ’s located here, to ensure you are submitting the appropriate documentation.

For applications requiring fees the Department will send you a payment request through the message center so that you can pay online. Be sure to check your email regularly for the notification.

Email will be validated by sending a confirmation message to this address.
Maximum 2000 characters. Only letters, numbers and punctuation are allowed. All other characters will be removed. You can attach a formatted document for more complex messages.
Do not upload files with commas in the file name as they cannot be opened by the system. You can add multiple attachments to the message. Make sure that all attachments have been successfully uploaded (green) before submitting. Allowed file types: pdf,jpg,jpeg,png,gif,doc,docx,xls,xlsx. Maximum file size: 50 MB
